blender VDB is not linked correctly


I downloaded the free Blender explosion VDB described in When I unpacked the ZIP and opened the VDB, the explosion was invisible, and several other comments in the youtube mention the same thing.

To solve the problem, in Blender do the following after opening the blend file:

  • click on the Gas Explosion in the outliner

  • go down to the Properties “Data” tab (it will have a green cloud icon)

  • Here you will find a field that says “OpenVDB File”. It will say (incorrectly) X:\3D ASSETS\3D FX\Free_VDB_Shaders\VDB Samples\Gas_Explosion_06_LOD0_0050.vdb because I believe the blender file was saved with absolute pathnames instead of relative pathnames

  • Click on the folder icon next to the pathname. It will pop up an Open File dialog. Navigate to where you extracted the ZIP file (for me it was C:\Users\userid\Downloads\ActionVFX_Free_VDB_Shader_3D0114_LOD0\)

  • Navigate into the subdirectory called VDB Samples

  • Click on the Gas_Explosion_06_LOD0_0050.vdb file and press Accept

  • Now you will see the gas explosion since now it is linked to the VDB file you downloaded and not to a nonexistant file on someone else's X: drive

Hope this helps!

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VDBs (3D smoke, clouds, explosions. etc)


About 1 month ago


Jon Friesen

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